The goal is to almost double our capacity to provide palliative care in Outaouais. But that won’t happen unless we expand our services through Le Havre and improve access to home based services. In doing so, we’ll ease the suffering of patients and their loved ones. All for $500,000. Indeed, this funding will allow us to hire the staff we need and to expand services at Le Havre Healing Centre, will help us continue to provide at-home accompaniment and will enable us to start developing a palliative home care service. Specifically, your investment will assist palliative care patients and their family caregivers in three ways.
Since 2014, Le Havre Healing Centre has been providing comfort and support services to individuals struggling with the anxiety of a terminal diagnosis, or exhausted family caregivers who could use a change of scenery and a kind ear to listen.
No one should have to face suffering alone, so art therapy, massage therapy, coffee clubs, foot care, grief support groups and other Havre activities will continue to be provided. We are expecting that home care services will raise the profile of our healing day centre activities and boost the number of people who would like to take advantage of them. Our expanded facilities will be ready to welcome them, and your investment will help to pay for the professionals who ease their pain.
According to Albert Camus, talking about suffering helps to ease the pain. Home accompaniment services are provided by a team of trained volunteers supervised by an experienced coordinator. At the end of their life, people tend to look back on their lives. Being heard and being able to speak freely helps them reach a greater inner peace. This new service is benefiting patients and people who have lost or who are about to lose someone close to them. By assisting us in funding this service, you will be helping to meet an important need of those at the end of their lives at a low cost.
According to surveys, most people would like to die in the comfort of their home. A recent report from the Canadian Institute for Health Information indicated that Canadians who received palliative home care in their last year of life were 2.5 times more likely to die at home. Unfortunately, very few Canadians (less than 15% in provinces where data were available) are successful in obtaining this type of care.
Our wish is to develop home care services, thus increasing the end-of-life choices available in Outaouais. Establishing a partnership with the CLSC and healthcare workers will allow us to send auxiliary nurses and healthcare attendants to the homes of patients who request their services. These health professionals will receive training in palliative care at La maison Mathieu-Froment-Savoie, which will enable us to ensure the quality of care provided. Not being limited by space constraints means that these services could be expanded should we obtain more funding.