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Le Havre Day Activity Center


The psycho-socio-spiritual care worker provides psychological and spiritual assistance to end-of-life people, their families and loved ones, in collaboration with physicians, staff and volunteers. She accomplishes these end-of-life support functions in order to improve their quality of life. Through its holistic approach to the person, it promotes the care of the psychological, emotional, social and spiritual dimensions of people suffering from terminal illness. She advises management on the nature and practice of relevant interventions by staff and volunteers.

Mireille Brosseau
Coordonnatrice de l’accompagnement psychosocial et spirituel à domicile
819 770-3900, poste 7

Art Therapy

Art therapy is a helping relationship using creation as a mode of expression. Collage, drawing, painting, sculpting and other creative methods are used to allow moments of joy, relaxation and appeasement, but also to express less comfortable emotions like fear, sadness or anger, if the need is present. Individual or group meetings are possible, depending on the availability

Why do art therapy?

  • To identify its strengths, needs and limitations
  • To break the isolation
  • To facilitate the grieving process
  • To support the feeling of power over his body and inner life
  • To explore and express yourself differently
  • To be welcomed and supported during periods of turbulence;

There is no need to have experience to fully benefit from this approach, since the process is more important than the final result.

Welcome to everyone. You can contact us at 819-770-3900 poste 7 to learn more.


Massage therapy service is available in Le Havre for residents of La Maison Mathieu Froment-Savoie who are mobile enough to receive at the massage room, as well as their caregivers. The service is also available for palliative care patients and their caregivers who are at home and receive their care from the CLSC de Gatineau. This service is offered free of charge.

A massage is a well-being must in these difficult moments of illness, whether for a close caregiver, a person who is at the end-of-life or their children! By acting on the body, the massage has positive effects on the mind, attention and awareness of emotions. This moment of relaxation, brings to the client a new energy by giving him a relaxing well-being to help fight against stress, anxiety and depressive state of mind. Of course, the physical effects are also numerous (improving circulation, energy, blood pressure, sleep and immune functions; reducing muscular / articular soreness and tension etc.) to name a few.

My certifications, and 20 years of experience allow me to offer several massage techniques, therefore I can offer the type of massage in harmony with the needs of the body regardless of age or state of health.

For an appointment, please contact : Cécile Bourque, Certified massage therapist, cell phone: 819-598-6861

Coffee and Support Groups

Here's a great opportunity to feel supported, to share your concerns, difficulties and emotions in a climate of trust. Right here at our Center Le Havre.

Wednesdays from 1pm to 3pm

To register in advance, please contact Ariana Anam, 819 770-3900, poste 6

Support Groups

After the loss of your loved one, these meetings provide you with the tools you need to get through the grieving process in a climate of trust and respect, in complete confidentiality. This program is designed for families whose loved one has died at the MMFS or whose patient has been visited by a volunteer as part of the homecare program.

At home : Ariana ANAM at 819 770-3900, poste 7

MMFS : Mireille Brosseau at 819 770-3900, poste 6

Foot treatments

For an appointment, please contact le Havre at 819 770-3900, poste 7

Our main donors and partners

Maison Mathieu Froment Savoie

La Maison
Mathieu Froment Savoie

170 rue Sherbrooke
Gatineau J8Y 2L6

# OBNL - 825 908 528 RR0001

Fondation Mathieu-Froment-Savoie

# OBNL - 804963585 RR0001

Téléphone : 819 770-3900

Maison Mathieu Froment Savoie

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