Nous vous invitons à respecter toutes les mesures sanitaires recommandées par l’Institut national de santé publique du Québec

Send a greeting card

We offer you the opportunity to write a virtual wishing card for the loved one hospitalized at La maison Mathieu- Froment-Savoie. This card is a special note to the attention of your loved one who is living through his/her last moments.

Your message will remain confidential. This service provides you the opportunity to express your feelings or qualms that you would find difficult to express verbally.

If you so desire, you can fill the virtual card as follows:

  1. Indicate the patient’s name or that of his/her family.
  2. Write your message.

When the virtual card is received by La maison, it is handed over to the patient or one of the family members.

    Maison Mathieu Froment Savoie

    La Maison
    Mathieu Froment Savoie

    170 rue Sherbrooke
    Gatineau J8Y 2L6

    # OBNL - 825 908 528 RR0001

    Fondation Mathieu-Froment-Savoie

    # OBNL - 804963585 RR0001

    Téléphone : 819 770-3900

    Maison Mathieu Froment Savoie

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