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Team of la Fondation

Message from the President

It is good to know that there is a place in Gatineau where you can live your last days with your loved ones while benefiting from a professional accompaniment where compassion, dignity and respect are present.

The Mathieu-Froment-Savoie Foundation was set up to ensure the financial sustainability of La maison Mathieu-Froment-Savoie thanks to medium- and long-term financial commitments from philanthropists in the Outaouais region. The Foundation is also a vehicle for raising awareness and the importance of supporting those who care to accompany people at the end of their lives in love and dignity.

Board of Directors of the Foundation

Yves Ducharme

Yves Ducharme


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Bryan Robinson

Bryan Robinson


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Olivier Laberge

Olivier Laberge


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Lianne Boudreau

Lianne Boudreau


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Carl Martin

Carl Martin


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Sébastien Dubois

Sébastien Dubois


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Pascal Dupuis-Doucet

Pascal Dupuis-Doucet


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Our main donors and partners

Maison Mathieu Froment Savoie

La Maison
Mathieu Froment Savoie

170 rue Sherbrooke
Gatineau J8Y 2L6

# OBNL - 825 908 528 RR0001

Fondation Mathieu-Froment-Savoie

# OBNL - 804963585 RR0001

Téléphone : 819 770-3900

Maison Mathieu Froment Savoie

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